Those who want to go through in a hurry directly jump to the image and read below it.. (Only some basics are told before the image)
Here is a game of 1908, the black being played by a player who was supposed to be the best and yet never won any championship...
The position shown below was reached by around 21 moves.
1. d4 ,d5
2. Nf3 ,e6
3. e3 ,c5
4. c4 ,Nc6
5. Nc3 ,Nf6
6. dxc5 ,Bxc5
7. a3 ,a6
8. b4 ,Bd6
9. Bb2 ,0-0 (Black did castling)
10. Qd2 ,Qe7
11. Bd3 ,dxc4
12. Bxc4 ,b5
13. Bd3 ,Rd8
14. Qe2 ,Bb7
15. 0-0 ,Ne5
16. Nxe5 ,Bxe5
17. f4 ,Bc7
18. e4 ,Rac8
19. e5 ,Bb6+
20. Kh1 ,Ng4
21. Be4 ,Qh4
Hmm, now before I begin let me explain some very basics...
You see its traditional to name the chess squares by an alphabet followed by a digit.
The a-h alphabets represent the vertical columns and no.s 1-8 represent the rows starting from down to top.
Its quite similar to representing coordinates of a point.
Q, K , R , B, N represent Queen, King, Rook, Bishop and Knight respectively.
Whenever a 'x' is used eg. Nxe5, which signifies that the knight has moved to e5 position and taken over the piece that was present at that square.
Hmmm, that was really basic. What I am showing below is a position, which shows some brilliant sacrifices leading to the winning of black.
Check it out...It would be more fun if you try it on ur chessboard...

The immediate move after this position was
White's move Black's move
22. g3 , Rxc3
i.e. White moved a pawn to threaten the black queen. Instead of saving his queen, the black rather took the white's knight at position c3, with his rook.
23. gxh4 , Rd2
In next move, white took black's queen with his pawn and thus moved his pawn to position h4. In Black's turn, in another shocking move, he brought his another rook to position d2, that too without any support. Moreover, if white player wouldn't have taken the rook, the black was threatening to take the pawn just above the king on behalf on Knight's support and check mate the white king.
24. Qxd2 , Bxe4+
White Queen takes the rook. In Black's turn he takes the White bishop, at position e4, whose support is now withdrawn with his own white-squared bishop, (Queen's bishop), now also delivering a check to white king. (the + sign signifies the check)
25. Qg2 , Rh3
White queen comes to block the bishop's diagonal and save his king. The black rook now comes to position h3, just one step away from checkmating the king with Rxh2 checkmate....
Now that was amazing... In fact I read that moves no. 22 and 23 are supposed to be one of the best moves in the history of chess.
Do visit the site :
It has some real neat problems on chess... I hope u'll like it...!!!!
dint know u were all tht ...errm.."chessy"! care teach me sum moves nxt sem?
n hey! manaa karne se pehle soch le! dis myt be da only subject i may wanna learn 4m u dis sem!! :P
waise i was just surfing it that not that chessy after all
"jst surfing" bout sum real gud world renowned chess moves??
either bluffing or wierd!!
achha baaba kabhi bhi puch liyo...will tell u whatever i knw (which is definitely not much ;) )
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